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Renardo (code > music)

Come code some Python music, have fun with generative patterns, record original compositions !

Music programming, Algorave community

Describing music using code allow to think it differently… you can explore and conjure the combinatory power of the computer to generate a surprising musical flux.

Try it ! it’s not that hard and you’ll find help on the way.

The Algorave community organises events and parties all around the world to enjoy this computer music.

Explore music by examples

Livecoding is about opensource music. You can learn and compose based on code examples from others.

p1 >> play("<v..><X-*->")
b2 >> bbass([0,3,5,2], dur=[.5,.25], oct=3)

FoxDot revived :-)

Renardo is a fork of FoxDot, a popular Python livecoding software created by Ryan Kirkbride and part of the Algorave/Toplap community.