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Classic FoxDot tutorial

Tutorial 2: Algorithmic Manipulation

# The code below plays the first four notes of the default scale on repeat:
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3])
# It's possible to manipulate this by adding an array of numbers to the Player object
# This raises the 4th note played by 2 degrees
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3]) + [0,0,0,2]
# And this raises every third note by 2
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3]) + [0,0,2]
# These values can be laced and grouped together
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3]) + [0,1,[0,(0,2)]]
# This behaviour is particularly useful when using the follow method.
b1 >> bass([0,4,5,3], dur=2)
p1 >> pads().follow(b1) + [2,4,7]
# You can schedule players to do things
# This will tell p1 to reverse the notes every 4 beats
p1 >> pads([0,2,4,6])
p1.every(4, "reverse")
# You can "chain" methods together by appending them to the end of
# the original line:
p1 >> pads([0,2,4,6]).every(4, "reverse")
# To stop calling "reverse", use 'never':
# Here are a few other methods you can use:
# Using "stutter" will play the same note 'n' number of times with different attributes specified
p1.every(4, "stutter", 4, oct=4, pan=[-1,1])
# Rotate will move all the values over by 1 in their order
p1.every(4, "rotate")
# To randomise the order of the notes, use "shuffle"
p1.every(4, "shuffle")

Tutorial 3: Playing Built-In Samples

# FoxDot can also be used to sequence and manipulate audio samples.
# To do this all you need to do is use the special play SynthDef.
# The first argument of the play SynthDef should be a string of characters
# instead of a list of numbers as you would do for any other SynthDef.
# Each character represents a different audio file, which is stored in a buffer in SuperCollider.
# To view which character relates to which audio file, execute
# You can play audio samples in the FoxDot/snd/ sub-directories by using the
# 'play' Synth and using a string of characters instead of list of notes.
bd >> play("x")
# A character refers to a sound and whitespace is used for silence, so
# you can spread sounds out in time:
bd >> play("x x x ")
hh >> play(" -")
# You can lace patterns using round brackets
# Whick plays like: "x o xo "
d1 >> play("(x )( x)o ")
# The following is the same as "-------="
hh >> play("---(-=)")
# Putting characters in square brackets will play them all in the space of one beat
# And will be played like one character, not simultaneous, but in quick succession
d1 >> play("x-o[-o]")
d1 >> play("x-o[---]")
d1 >> play("x-o[-----]")
d1 >> play("x-o[--------------]")
# and can be put in round brackets as if they were one character themselves.
d1 >> play("x[--]o(=[-o])")
# You can combine the brackets however you like: the following patterns are identical
d1 >> play("x-o(-[-o])")
d1 >> play("x-o[-(o )]")
# Curly braces select a sample sound at random if you want more variety
d1 >> play("x-o{-=[--][-o]}")
# Angle brackets combine patterns to be play simultaneously
d1 >> play("<X ><- ><# ><V >")
d1 >> play("<X >< - >< # >< V>")
# Each character is mapped to a folder of sound files and you can select different
# samples by using the "sample" keyword argument
d1 >> play("(x[--])xu[--]")
d1 >> play("(x[--])xu[--]", sample=1)
d1 >> play("(x[--])xu[--]", sample=2)
# Change the sample for each beat
d1 >> play("(x[--])xu[--]", sample=[1,2,3])
# You can layer two patterns together - note the "P", look at tutorial 4 for more information.
d1 >> play(P["x-o-"] & P[" **"])
# And change effects applied to all the layered patterns at the same time
d1 >> play(P["x-o-"] & P[" **"], room=0.5)
# Example from the player tutorial, but with samples instead
# Conditionals...
d1 >> play("x[--]xu[--]x", sample=("x"))
# Or change it to sample bank 2 by multiplying
d1 >> play("x[--]xu[--]x", sample=("x")*2)
# Chain multiple conditionals
d1 >> play("x[--]xu[--]x", sample=("x")*2 + ("-")*5)
# Which is the same as
d1 >> play("x[--]xu[--]x",{"x":2, "-":5}))

Tutorial 4: Using Patterns

# Player Objects use Python lists, known more commonly as arrays in other languages,
# to sequence themselves. You've already used these previously, but they aren't exactly
# flexible for manipulation. For example, try multiplying a list by two like so:
print([1, 2, 3] * 2)
# Is the result what you expected?
# FoxDot uses a container type called a 'Pattern' to help solve this problem.
# They act like regular lists but any mathematical operation performed on it is done to each item
# in the list and done so pair-wise if using a second pattern. A basic pattern is created as
# you would with a normal list or tuple, but with a 'P' preceeding it.
print(P[1,2,3] * 2)
print(P[1,2,3] + 100)
# In this operation, the output consists of all the combinations of the two patterns i.e.
# [1+3, 2+4, 3+3, 1+4, 2+3, 3+4]
print(P[1,2,3] + [3,4])
# You can use Python's slicing syntax to generate a series of numbers
# Try some other mathematical operators and see what results you get.
print(P[1,2,3] * (1,2))
# Pattern objects also automatically interlace any nested list.
# Compare
# Normal list:
for n in [0,1,2,[3,4],5]:
# with
# Pattern
for n in P[0,1,2,[3,4],5]:
# Use PGroups if you want this behavior to be avoided. These can be implicitly
# specified as tuples in Patterns:
for n in P[0,1,2,(3,4)]:
# This is a PGroup:
print(P(0,2,4) + 2)
print(type(P(0,2,4) + 2))
# In Python, you can generate a range of integers with the syntax range(start, stop, step).
# By default, start is 0 and step is 1.
print(list(range(10))) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# You can use PRange(start, stop, step) to create a Pattern object with the equivalent values:
print(PRange(10)) # P[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# P[0, 2, 2, 6, 4, 10, 6, 14, 8, 18]
# [0*1, 1*2, 2*1, 3*2, 4*1, 5*2, 6*1, 7*2, 8*1...]
print(PRange(10) * [1, 2]) # Pattern class behaviour
# Adding a list (or Pattern) to a Pattern will add the values of the
# elements to the other where Python lists would be concatonated.
print(PRange(10) + [0,10])
# To concatonate Patterns, use the pipe operator like so:
print(PRange(10) | [0,10])
# FoxDot automatically converts any object being piped to a Pattern to the base Pattern class
# so you don't have to worry about making sure everything is the right type.
# Plays all the values together
p1 >> pluck(P(4,6,8))
p1 >> pluck(P[0,1,2,P(4,6,8),7,8])
# Spreads the values across the current "dur" e.g. if the dur is 2 beats then it will play each value 2/3 beats apart
p1 >> pluck(P*(0,2,4), dur=1/2)
p1 >> pluck(P*(0,2,4), dur=1)
p1 >> pluck(P*(0,2,4), dur=2)
p1 >> pluck(P[0,1,2,P*(4,6,8),7,8], dur=1)
# Is the same as P* but every other time the notes are played they are spread over the dur value.
p1 >> pluck(P/(0,2,4), dur=1/2)
p1 >> pluck(P/(0,2,4), dur=1)
p1 >> pluck(P/(0,2,4), dur=2)
p1 >> pluck(P[0,1,2,P/(4,6,8),7,8], dur=1)
# Spreads the values across the current "sus" e.g. if the dur is 2 beats and the sus is 3 beats then it will play each value 1 beat apart.
p1 >> pluck(P+(0,2,4), dur=2, sus=3)
p1 >> pluck(P+(0,2,4), dur=2, sus=1)
p1 >> pluck(P[0,1,2,P+(4,6,8),7,8], dur=1, sus=3)
# Spreads the first (length - 1) values with a gap of the last value between each
# Plays 0,2,4 with a gap of 0.5:
p1 >> pluck(P^(0,2,4,0.5), dur=1/2)
# Patterns come with several methods for manipulating the contents
# Standard pattern
# Shuffle pattern by randomizing it
# Append a reversed pattern to the pattern
# Shift the pattern by n (default 1)
# Takes the pattern and appends it as many times as needed to reach n number of elements in the pattern
# Reverses a pattern
# Loops a pattern n number of times
# Add an offset
# Add a multiplied offset
# Stutter - Repeat each element n times
# Amen
# Merges and laces the first and last two items such that a
# drum pattern "x-o-" would become "(x[xo])-o([-o]-)" and mimics
# the rhythm of the famous "amen break"
d1 >> play(P["x-o-"].amen())
# Bubble
# Merges and laces the first and last two items such that a
# drum pattern "x-o-" would become "(x[xo])-o([-o]-)
d1 >> play(P["x-o-"].bubble())

Tutorial 5: Referencing Player Attributes

# You can set variables outside a player
pitches = P[0,1,2,3,4]
harmony = pitches + 2
p1 >> pluck(pitches)
p2 >> star(harmony)
# If you set the duration of the second, it might not have the desired effect
p1 >> pluck(pitches)
p2 >> star(harmony, dur=1/2)
# It is possible for one player object to play exactly what another player is.
# To have one player follow another, just use the follow method:
p1 >> pluck(pitches)
p2 >> star(dur=1/2).follow(p1) + 2
# You can explicitly reference attributes such as pitch or duration too:
p2 >> star(p1.pitch) + 2 # this is the same as .follow(p1)
# Works for other attributes too
p1 >> pluck(pitches)
p2 >> star(dur=p1.dur).follow(p1) + 2
# You can reference, and test for the current value
# The == returns a 1 if true and a 0 if false
print( == 2)
# This allows you to do conditionals like
p1 >> pluck([0,1,2,3], amp=(
p1 >> pluck([0,1,2,3], amp=(>1))
# Or change it to a different amp by multiplying by 4
p1 >> pluck([0,1,2,3], amp=(*4)
# Chain multiple conditionals
p1 >> pluck([0,1,2,3], amp=(*4 + (*1)
# Which is the same as
p1 >> pluck([0,1,2,3],{1:4, 2:1}))

Tutorial 6: Rests

# Rests can be added by using a rest object in the dur array
# The rest silences the note that would have been played.
# Without a rest, 5 notes (yes, a dur=1 would work, but lets be explicit to counterpoint the next example)
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3,4], dur=[1,1,1,1,1])
# With a rest ... 4 notes and a rest, note "4" is silenced for 4 beats
p1 >> pads([0,1,2,3,4], dur=[1,1,1,1,rest(4)])

Tutorial 7: Clock Basics

# To stop all player objects, you can press Ctrl+. (Hold Ctrl and hit the period)
# Which is a shortcut for the command:
# Change the tempo (this takes effect at the next bar) Default is 120.
Clock.bpm = 144
# To see what is scheduled to be played.
# To see what the latency is
# Sometimes you want to know when the start of the next X beat cycle. To
# do this we use the 'mod' method. For example if we want to see when
# the start of the next 32 beat cycle is we can do

Tutorial 8: Scales

# By default, Player Objects use the C Major scale.
# These can be changed by using the keyword arguments 'scale' and 'root'.
# Scales can be defined as an array of semitones, such that the Major scale is [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
# or one of the predefined scales from the Scale module, e.g. Scale.minor.
# Root refers to the tonic of the scale; 0 being C, 1 is C#, 2 is D and so on.
# The default scale can be changed such that any Player not using a specific scale will be updated.
# This is done using the syntax below (each line is technically equivalent):
# Or the same thing, but minor:
# To save some time you can also do
Scale.default = "minor"
#This is the same for the root:
# Or:
# To see a list of all scales, use
# You can change the scale used by a player using the 'scale' keyword
p1 >> pads([0,1,2], scale=Scale.minor)
# Similarly, you can change the root note players using the root keyword
# and the Root.default object
p1 >> pads([0,1,2], scale=Scale.minor, root=2)

Tutorial 9: Groups

# Attributes of players, such as degree or scale, can also be changed by directly assigning values to it such that
p1 >> pads([0,2,4,2], scale=Scale.majorPentatonic)
# is equivalent to
p1 >> pads() = [0,2,4,2]
p1.scale = Scale.majorPentatonic
# This is useful if you want to assign the same values to multiple Player Object simultaneously, like so:
p1 >> pads([0,2,4,2])
p2 >> pads([2,1,0,4])
p3 >> pads([2,3])
# You can reference all the members with similar names
p_all.dur = [1/2,1/4] # Run this while p1, p2, etc are playing!
# or
p_all.amplify = 1
# Or...
# Or...
# To reduce the amount of typing, Player Objects can be grouped together and their attributes modified in a simpler way:
p1 >> pads([0,2,4,2])
p2 >> pads([2,1,0,4])
p3 >> pads([2,3])
g1 = Group(p1, p2, p3)
# You can group will _all groups
g1 = Group(p_all, d_all, b1, b2)
# Set the volume on for 4 beats, then off for 4
# This overrides existing amplitudes set in the player object
# You can use functions to group things together. To execute use CTRL+Return, not ALT+Return.
def tune():
b1 >> bass([0,3], dur=4)
p1 >> pluck([0,4], dur=1/2)
d1 >> play("x--x--x-")
# or schedule the clock to call other grouped functions
def verse():
b1 >> bass([0,3], dur=4)
p1 >> pluck([0,4], dur=1/2)
d1 >> play("x--x--x-")
Clock.future(16, chorus)
def chorus():
b1 >> bass([0,4,5,3], dur=4)
p1 >> pluck([0,4,7,9], dur=1/4)
d1 >> play("x-o-")
Clock.future(16, verse)

Tutorial 10: Using Vars

# A TimeVar is an abbreviation of "Time Dependent Variable" and is a key feature of FoxDot.
# A TimeVar has a series of values that it changes between after a pre-defined number of beats
# and is created using a var object with the syntax var([list_of_values],[list_of_durations]).
# Generates the values: 0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3...
a = var([0,3],4) # Duration can be single value
print(int(, a) # 'a' initally has a value of 0
# >>> 0, 0 # The first value may differ...
print(int(, a) # After 4 beats, the value changes to 3
# >>> 4, 3
print(int(, a) # After another 4 beats, the value changes to 0
# >>> 8, 0
# Duration can also be a list
a = var([0,3],[4,2])
print(int(, a)
# When a TimeVar is used in a mathematical operation, the values it affects also become TimeVars
# that change state when the original TimeVar changes state – this can even be used with patterns:
a = var([0,3], 4)
print(int(, a + 5) # When beat is 0, a is 5
# >>> 5
print(int(, a + 5) # When beat is 4, a is 8
# >>> 8
b = PRange(4) + a
print(int(, b) # After 8 beats, the value changes to 0
# >>> P[0, 1, 2, 3]
print(int(, b) # After 12 beats, the value changes to 3
# >>> P[3, 4, 5, 6]
# Use 'var' with your Player objects to create chord progressions.
a = var([0,4,5,3], 4)
b1 >> bass(a, dur=PDur(3,8))
p1 >> pads(a + (0,2), dur=PDur(7,16))
# You can add a 'var' to a Player object or a var.
b1 >> bass(a, dur=PDur(3,8)) + var([0,1],[3,1])
b = a + var([0,10],8)
print(int(, (a, b))
# Updating the values of one 'var' will update it everywhere else
a.update([1,4], 8)
print(int(, (a, b))
# Vars can be named ...
var.chords = var([0,4,5,4],4)
# And used later
b1 >> pluck(var.chords)
# Any players using the named var will be updated
var.chords = var([0,1,5,3],4)
# You can also use a 'linvar' that changes its values gradually over time
# Change the value from 0 to 1 over 16 beats
c = linvar([0,1],16)
# Run this multiple times to see the changes happening
print(int(, c)
# Change the amp based off that linvar
p1 >> pads(a, amp=c)
# a 'Pvar' is a 'var' that can store patterns (as opposed to say, integers)
d = Pvar([P[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], P[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], 8)
print(int(, d)
p1 >> pads(a, amp=c, dur=1/4) + d
# Change the scale every 16 beats
Scale.default = Pvar([Scale.major, Scale.minor],16)
# You even set the value to last forever once it is reached using a special value called "inf"
x = var([0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 4, 4, inf])
print(x) # Keep pressing - it will eventually stop at 3
# Other types of "var"
# There are several sub-classes of "var" that return values between
# the numbers specified. For example a "linvar" gradually change
# values in a linear fashion:
print(linvar([0,1],8)) # keep running to see the value change between 0 and 1
# Example: increase the high-pass filter cutoff over 32 beats
p1 >> play("x-o-", hpf=linvar([0,4000],[32,0]))
# Other types include "sinvar" and "expvar"
print("Linear:", linvar([0, 1], 8))
print("Sinusoidal:", sinvar([0, 1], 8))
print("Exponential:", expvar([0, 1], 8))
# Pattern TimeVar
# Sometimes we might want to store whole patterns within a var but
# if we try to do so, they are automatically laced:
pattern1 = P[0, 1, 2, 3]
pattern2 = P[4, 5, 6, 7]
print(var([pattern1, pattern2], 4))
# To store whole patterns, you need to use a "Pvar" which does
# not lace the values, but stores the patterns instead
print(Pvar([pattern1, pattern2], 4))
p1 >> pluck(Pvar([pattern1, pattern2], 4), dur=1/4)
# Offsetting the start time
# Another useful trick is offsetting the start time for the var. By
# default it is when the Clock time is 0 but you can specify a different
# value using the "start" keyword
print(linvar([0, 1], 8))
print(linvar([0, 1], 8, start=2))
# This can be combined with Clock.mod() to start a ramp at the start of the#
# next 32 beat cycle:
d1 >> play("x-o-", hpf=linvar([0,4000],[32,inf], start=Clock.mod(32)))

Tutorial 11: Playing Custom Samples

# You can use your own samples by simply dropping audio files into the existing FoxDot sample directories.
# These are found in the 'snd' directory in the root of the FoxDot installation
# (e.g., 'C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\FoxDot\snd').
# You saw earlier how to work with samples using play(). You can also play samples with loop().
s1 >> loop('foxdot')
# You may notice that this is just playing the first part of the sample over and over again.
# You can tweak the behavior with many of the arguments we've seen thus far for controlling other synths. dur is a good place to start.
s1 >> loop('foxdot', dur=4)
# If you have a folder full of samples that you would like to use in FoxDot, you can call loop() with the full path to the sample.
s1 >> loop('/path/to/samples/quack.wav')
# If you give loop the path to a folder, it will play the first sample it finds. You can change which sample it plays with the sample= arg.
# Play the first sample in my collection
s1 >> loop('/path/to/samples')
# Play the second sample in my collection
s1 >> loop('/path/to/samples', sample=1)
# If you're going to be using a lot of samples from a folder, you can add it to the sample search path. FoxDot will look under all its search paths for a matching sample when you give it a name.
s1 >> loop('quack')
# Once you have a search path, you can use pattern matching to search for samples.
# Play the 3rd sample under the 'snare' dir
s1 >> loop('snare/*', sample=2)
# You can use * in directory names too
s1 >> loop('*_120bpm/drum*/kick*')
# ** means "all recursive subdirectories". This will play the first sample
# nested under 'percussion' (e.g. 'percussion/kicks/classic/808.wav')
s1 >> loop('percussion/**/*')

Tutoral 12: SynthDefs

# FoxDot creates music by giving player objects a 'digital instrument'
# to play, which are called 'SynthDefs'. You can see the list of pre-installed
# 'Synths' by executing
# Each one of these represents a `SynthDef` *object*. These objects are then
# given to Players to play - like giving an instrument to someone in your
# orchestra.
# Writing your own Synth Definitions
# This is a bit more advanced, but if you have already written SynthDefs in
# Supercollider then you might feel at home. If not, come back to this section
# later.
# FoxDot can access any SynthDef stored on the SuperCollider server,
# but it needs to know it's there. If you have already written a SynthDef
# in SuperCollider and named it \mySynth then you just create a SynthDef
# instance using FoxDot like so:
mySynth = SynthDef("mySynth")
# Using the same variable name in FoxDot as in SuperCollider for your SynthDef
# is a good idea to avoid confusion. If you want to write (or edit) your own
# SynthDef during run-time in FoxDot you can use a SuperCollider API by
# importing the SCLang module. All FoxDot SynthDef objects inherit the
# base-class behaviour, such as low- and high-pass filters and vibrato,
# but these can be overridden or updated easily. If you want to know more
# about digital sound processing and SynthDef creation, check out the
# SuperCollider documentation. Below is an example of creating one in FoxDot:
# Import module for writing SCLang code from Python
from SCLang import *
# Create a SynthDef named 'example' (using the same variable name as the SynthDef name is a good idea)
example = SynthDef("example")
# Create the oscillator (osc) using a sine wave
example.osc =
# And give it a percussive sound envelope (env)
example.env = Env.perc()
# Finally, store it!
# How to create a SynthDef
with SynthDef("pads") as pads:
pads.osc =
pads.env = Env.perc()
# Equivalent to
pads = SynthDef("pads")
pads.osc =
pads.env = Env.perc()

Tutorial 13: Advanced Clock

# To see what is scheduled to be played.
# To see what the latency is
# The clock can schedule anything with a __call__ method using
# It takes an absolute time clue to schedule a functions
# Clock.schedule needs to know the beat to call something on
Clock.schedule() # raises TypeError
# Schedule an event after a certain durations
# Clock.future needs to know how many beats ahead to call something
Clock.future() # raises TypeError
# These are equivalent
Clock.schedule(lambda: print("hello"), + 4)
Clock.future(4, lambda: print("hello"))
# To schedule something else
Clock.schedule(lambda: print("hello "))
# We can call something every n beats
Clock.every(4, lambda: print("hello"))
# Get the current clock and add 2. Useful for scheduling.
print( + 2)
# Issue command on the next bar
# With a decorator
def change():
# etc etc
# You can create your own function, and decorate it, to be able
# to use it in an .every on a Player object
def test(self):
p1 >> pluck([0,4]).every(3, "test")
# And cancel it with

Tutorial 14: Player Attributes Reference

# --- TODO: this needs updating
# To see all attributes:
# You can see what effects are available by evaluating
# Let's use the high pass filter for an example. You can see it's described
# like so:
# "<Fx 'highPassFilter' -- args: hpr, hpf>"
# Each effect has a "master" argument and then child arguments. Here the
# master argument is "hpf" (short for high pass filter) and the child argument
# is "hpr" (short for high pass resonance). The effect is only added when the
# master argument is non-zero:
d1 >> dirt([0,4,2,1], dur=1/2, hpf=4000)
# This sets the high pass filter to 4000 Hz so only frequences in the audio
# signal *above* that are actually heard. Let's change the resonance value. It's
# default value is 1, so let's make it smaller
d1 >> dirt([0,4,2,1], dur=1/2, hpf=4000, hpr=0.3)
# Notice a difference? We can use patterns / vars in our effects to make them
# change over time:
d1 >> dirt([0,4,2,1], dur=1/2, hpf=linvar([0,4000],8), hpr=P[1,1,0.3].stretch(8))
# Reference
# amp - Amplitude (defaults to 1)
# Sets the volume of the note/pattern
d1 >> play("*", dur=1/2, amp=1)
# Half Volume
d1 >> play("*", dur=1/2, amp=.5)
# Creating a pattern with amp
d1 >> play("*", dur=1/2, amp=[1,0,1,1,0])
# amplify - Changes amp, by multiplying agasint the existing value (instead of overwritting)
# Creating a pattern with amp
d1 >> play("*", dur=1/2, amp=[1,0,1,1,0])
d1 >> play("*", dur=1/2, amplify=[.5,1,0])
# Set up a "drop" in the music (Plays at full volume for 28, then 0 for 4)
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], amplify=var([1,0],[28,4]))
# bend
# benddelay - See bend
# bits
# The bit depth, in number of bits, that the signal is reduced to;
# this is a value between 1 and 24 where other values are ignored.
# Use crush to set the amount of reduction to the bitrate (defaults to 8)
# bitcrush - See bits
# blur
# bpf - Band Pass Filter
# bpnoise - See bpf
# bpr - See bpf
# bpm
# buf
# channel
# chop
# 'Chops' the signal into chunks using a low frequency pulse wave over the sustain of a note.
# coarse
# comb delay - See echo
# crush
# cut
# Cuts a duration
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, cut=1/8)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, cut=1/4)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, cut=1/2)
# cutoff
# decay - See echo
# degree - The degree of the note, or pitch, can be specified by keyword (also the first positional)
p1 >> blip(degree=[0,1,2,3])
# Which is the same as:
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3])
# Only plays the "root" note of the chord
b1 >> bass([0])
# delay - A duration of time to wait before sending the information to SuperCollider (defaults to 0)
# Delays every 3 note by .1
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], delay=[0,0,0.1])
# Delays every 3 note by .5
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], delay=[0,0,0.5])
# Plays the note once for each different delays
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], delay=(0,0.1))
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], delay=(0,0.25))
p1 >> blip([0,1,2,3], delay=(0,.1,.2,.3))
# dist
# dur - Durations (defaults to 1 and 1/2 for the Sample Player)
# echo
# Title keyword: echo, Attribute keyword(s): decay
# Sets the decay time for any echo effect in beats, works best on Sample Player (defaults to 0)
# Multiplied against the sustain value
d1 >> play("x-o-", echo=0.1)
d1 >> play("x-o-", echo=0.5)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], echo=.25)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], echo=.5)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], echo=.5, decay=.5)
# env
# fmod
# formant
# freq
# hpf - High Pass Filter
# Filters out all the frequencies below given value, removing lower freqencies
# 4000 hertz
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=4000)
# HPF is 0 for 4 beats, then 4000 for 4 beats
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=var([0,4000],[4,4]))
# Linear change on hpf from 0 take 4 beats to get to 4000, 4 beats back to 0
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=linvar([0,4000],[4,4]))
# Linear change on hpf from 0 take 8 beats to get to 4000, then reset back to 0
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=linvar([0,4000],[8,0]))
# With resonance change (default is 1)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=linvar([0,4000],[8,0]), hpr=.5)
# With resonance change as a linvar
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, hpf=linvar([0,4000],[8,0]), hpr=linvar([0.1,1],12))
# hpr - See hpf
# lpf - Low Pass Filter
# Filters out all the frequencies above given value, removing higher freqencies
# 4000 hertz
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, lpf=400)
# With resonance change as a linvar
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, lpf=linvar([500,4000],[8,0]), lpr=linvar([0.1,1],12))
# lpr - See lpf
# midinote
# pan
# Panning, where -1 is far left, 1 is far right (defaults to 0)
# pitch - See degree
# pshift
# oct
# rate
# Variable keyword used for misc. changes to a signal. E.g. Playback rate of the Sample Player (defaults to 1)
# room
# Title keyword: room, Attribute keyword(s): mix
# The room argument specifies the size of the room
d1 >> play("x-o-", room=0.5)
# Mix is the dry/wet mix of reverb or how much the reverb is mixed with the source. 1 is all reverb, 0 is no reverb at all. (Default 0.1)
d1 >> play("x-o-", room=0.5, mix=.5)
# Reverb
# See Room
# sample
# Special keyword for Sample Players; selects another audio file from the bank of samples for a sample character.
# scale
# shape
# slide - Slide To
# Slides' the frequency value of a signal to freq * (slide+1) over the duration of a note (defaults to 0)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, slide=1)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, slide=12)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, slide=var([0,-1],[12,4]))
# slidedelay
# slidefrom
# slider
# spread
# spin
# striate
# stutter
# sus - Sustain (defaults to `dur`)
# swell
# vib - Vibrato
# Vibrato - Title keyword: vib, Attribute keyword(s): Vibrato (defaults to 0)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, vib=12)
# With child attribute, vibdepth (default 0.2)
p1 >> pluck(P[:8], dur=1/2, vib=12, vibdepth=0.5)
# vibdepth - See vib

Tutorial 15: Patterns Generators Reference

# There are several other Pattern classes in FoxDot that help you generate arrays of numbers but also behave
# in the same way as the base Pattern. To see what Patterns exist and have a go at using them, execute
# PEuclid
# PEuclid(n, k)
# Returns the Euclidean rhythm which spreads 'n' pulses over 'k' steps as evenly as possible.
# 3 pulses over 8 steps
print(PEuclid(3, 8))
# PDur
# PDur(n, k, start=0, dur=0.25)
# Returns the actual durations based on Euclidean rhythms (see PEuclid) where dur is the length of each step.
# Spreads 'n' pulses over 'k' steps as evenly as possible
print(PDur(3,8)) # P[0.75, 0.75, 0.5]
# Gives a list of 3 dur, appened with a list of 5 dur
d1 >> play("x", dur=PDur(5,8))
# PIndex
# Returns the index being accessed
# PSine
# PSine(n=16)
# Returns values of one cycle of sine wave split into 'n' parts
# Split into 5 parts
# Split into 10
# PTri
# PTri(start, stop=None, step=None)
# Returns a Pattern equivalent to `Pattern(range(start, stop, step)) with its reversed form appended.
# Think of it like a "Tri"angle.
# Up to 5 then down to 1
# Up to 8 then down to 1
# From 3 to 10, then down to 4
# From 3 to 30, by 2, then down to 4
# Up to 4, then down to 1, then up to 8, then down to 1
p1 >> pluck(PTri(5), scale=Scale.default.pentatonic)
# Same as
p1 >> pluck(PRange(5) | PRange(5,0,-1), scale=Scale.default.pentatonic)
# PRand
# PRand(start, stop=None)
# Returns a random integer between start and stop.
# Returns a random integer between 0 and start.
# Returns a random integer between start and stop.
# If start is a container-type it returns a random item for that container.
# You can supply a seed
print(PRand([1,2,3], seed=5)[:5])
# Keeps generating random tune
p1 >> pluck(PRand(8))
# Creates a random list, and iterates over that same list
p1 >> pluck(PRand(8)[:3])
# PRhythm
# PRhythm takes a list of single durations and tuples that contain values that can be supplied to the `PDur`
# The following plays the hi hat with a Euclidean Rhythm of 3 pulses in 8 steps
d1 >> play("x-o-", dur=PRhythm([2,(3,8)]))
# PSum
# PSum(n, total)
# Returns a Pattern of length 'n' that sums to equal 'total'
# Returns a pattern of length 2, with elements summed up to 8
# Returns a pattern of length 5, with elements summed up to 4
# PStep
# PStep(n, value, default=0)
# Returns a Pattern that every n-term is 'value' otherwise 'default'
# Every 4, make it 1, otherwise default to 0
# Every 8, make it 6, otherwise, 4
# Every 5, make it 2, otherwise, 1
# PWalk
# PWalk(max=7, step=1, start=0)
# By default, returns a pattern with each element randomly 1 higher or lower than the previous
# Changing step
# With max
# Start at a non-zero number
# PWhite
# PWhite(lo=0, hi=1)
# Returns random floating point values between 'lo' and 'hi'
# Lo defaults to 0, hi defaults to 1
# Returns random numbers between 1 and 5
# Custom Generator Patterns
# Custom generator patterns can be made by subclassing GeneratorPattern
# and overriding `GeneratorPattern.func`
class CustomGeneratorPattern(GeneratorPattern):
def func(self, index):
return int(index / 4)
# This can be done more consisely using `GeneratorPattern.from_func`,
# passing in a function which takes an index and returns some pattern item.
def some_func(index):
return int(index / 4)
# We can use lambdas too
print(GeneratorPattern.from_func(lambda index: int(index / 4))[:10])